Change of Use


If you would like to repurpose a particular residential, commercial or industrial space, you might need to obtain planning permission for what planning departments term “change of use”. Applying for this permission can be a complex process, but we can help you through it.

If the work you propose would call for you to switch the property to a new “use class”, you are likely to need planning permission. We can determine whether you indeed would. If so, we can prime your application for success.

Our change of use service can ensure your building work is granted the planning consent it needs.

Change Of Use Costs

Change Of Use Planning Application

Get A Free Consultation

  • Draft design until confirmation
  • We will provide two sets of plans - electronic and hard copy
  • Full advice and support
  • You will be handed the final plans
  • From £400, we can provide a Design and Access statement necessary for applications in conservation areas

Change Of Use & Building Regulation

Get A Free Consultation

  • Draft design until confirmation
  • We will supply two sets of plans - electronic and hard copy
  • Full advice and support
  • You will receive the finished plans

Our Submission Fee

From £1500*

  1. This does not include the planning application fee (£335) to the council.
  2. Leave our expert team to handle the entire submission process, including liaising with the council.

Some Of Our Case Studies

If you are unsure what you require, just contact us to book a free consultation.


Fortunately, applying for planning permission for a change of use is often simple. What is not so simple, however, is the question of whether it would enhance your property’s value. Fortunately, most of the evidence is promising about the implications.

Essentially, in changing your property’s use class, you can unlock new potential in that property - and that’s certainly attractive to buyers. The exact amount in added value can depend on variables like the property’s type and location as well as what kind of work the planning consent permits. In any case, though, securing planning permission for a change of use gives a buyer faith that they can redesign, adapt or extend the property in future.

However, as a sloppily-made planning consent application can be financially costly, you should seek professional assistance in preparing your application.


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The available use classes are vast in number and represented by letter-and-number codes - such as A1 for shops, A3 for restaurants and cafes and B8 for storage and distribution. Indeed, these three are among the most commonly-utilised class types.

Other examples include C1 for hotels. A4 for drinking establishments and C4 for small houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). Certain changes of use are more common than others, with examples including shop-to-restaurant and agricultural-building-to-barn-conversion.

The different use classes exist to ensure sufficient buildings for particular purposes and that there isn’t a disconcerting mismatch between a type of building and how it is used. It would typically be unwise to, say, build housing on an industrial site.

When you get in touch with us, we can familiarise you with all of the use types and which one you should apply for.


As the change-of-use process can throw up some challenges, we have answered the following questions that often come up about it.

You can confirm this by contacting your local planning authority (LPA). We can provide advice as well, but you should keep in mind that exact planning rules can differ between LPAs.

Potentially, yes - depending on what use class that property currently occupies. Again, you should check with your LPA whether you would need planning permission for the property’s intended use.

Where these apply, they allow you to proceed as though planning permission has been granted. Some switches between use classes are covered by these rights.

Yes, relatively so - compared to, say, securing planning permission for a new build project. However, it isn’t a foregone conclusion that you will obtain the permission just because you apply for it.

Generally, no; for example, if a greengrocer’s shop becomes a shoe shop. However, if the change requires building work, this in itself could require planning permission.

Some changes of use require this, where the local authority will assess the proposal’s impacts and risks. We can let you know if your proposed change needs prior approval and how to apply for it.

How Can We Help You?

It’s easy to learn more about how we can assist you with London building work, preparing design drawings and making planning applications.

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