Flat Conversions


Over time, more and more property investors and developers have started noticing the benefits of buying properties to segment into multiple self-contained units. This conversion work enables landlords to capitalise on the large demand for flats, particularly in inner-city or unemployment-stricken areas.

If you are interested in following suit but unsure where to start, we can help you to draw up your conversion’s proposed design and secure the planning permission that is a prerequisite for converting a house into a block of flats.

Our flat conversion plan packages can help you with submitting your planning application as well as ensuring that the conversion work complies with building regulations.

Flat Conversion Costs

Flat Conversion Planning Application

From POA

Get A Free Consultation

  • Draft design until confirmation
  • We will provide two sets of full plans: electronic and hard copy
  • Full expert advice and support
  • You will receive the final plans
  • For applications in conservation areas, a design and access statement will be needed. We can provide this for an extra fee dependent on the project’s scope and complexity

Flat Conversion Planning & Building Regulations

From POA

Get A Free Consultation

  • Draft design until confirmation
  • We will provide two sets of full plans: electronic and hard copy
  • Full expert advice and support
  • You will receive the final plans

Our Submission Fee

  1. This fee does not include the planning application fee to the council.
  2. Neither does it cover the permitted development fee to the council.
  3. We will manage the full submission process, including liaising with the council.

Some Of Our Case Studies

If you are unsure what you require, just contact us to book a free consultation.


To answer a common question: yes, you would need planning permission if you wish to convert a house into flats. Repurposing a home in this way is defined as a change of usage in building regulations, which also specify hurdles you must jump to land planning permission.

You might need to have the building upgraded in various ways in order to satisfy all of these conditions, which tend to concern such crucial matters as hygiene, sound insulation, energy conversion and fire escape safety. In any case, though, your planning application’s success will not depend just on the building itself, as local planning officers looking over your application will also consider how the conversion could affect parking and your neighbours.

With the Eazyplans team by your side, however, you can increase your chances of a successful application.


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If the house in question is larger than 120 square metres, it may be ripe for conversion into at least two flats without overly heavy financial expenditure on your part. However, it is still important that your conversion is designed to make the best use of the space.

We can closely advise you on how to achieve this. We would recommend, for example, that your design “stacks” similar rooms above and below each other - and, where possible, your layout should not overlook neighbours’ gardens or private spaces.

Meanwhile, where your layout is unable to accommodate pipework internally, you should position bathrooms at the back of the property, as you could then avoid needing to have new waste pipes and drains installed where they would run down front elevations.

Though this conversion work would necessitate full planning permission and building regulation approval, our trained team can help you to secure both.


Certain questions tend to emerge especially often in discussions about flat conversions - and here are just some of those questions.

You can increase your chances of a successful outcome by asking local letting agents which types of properties are most successful in the area’s rental market.

In this situation, the closest to a flat conversion you can obtain planning permission for would be converting the property into a house of multiple occupation (HMO).

In a HMO, a number of occupants would share facilities like a kitchen, bathroom and WC but otherwise live in separate spaces within the property.

Yes, as self-contained flats would be more beneficial for the occupants’ health and safety. Fortunately, you might not need planning permission to upgrade a particular HMO to flats.

Yes - as, when you apply for planning permission, neighbours whose properties adjoin yours will be notified by letter, while a notice outside will invite the public to object if they wish.

If you notice that many other houses in the area have already been converted into flats, then chances are that these conversions saw few objections. This would bode well for your application’s success.

How Can We Help You?

It’s easy to learn more about how we can assist you with London building work, preparing design drawings and making planning applications.

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